Kerenga Kua

Prime Minister Oneil, Rule through the barrel of the gun is unacceptable in a democracy.

# Stop sitting in Waigani and using the media to blame others.
# We are experiencing increased lawlessness around the country because there is a vacuum in real leadership.
# Domestic violence and other violent crimes like burning of innocent women and girls will continue until real leadership is shown by rebuilding institutions and restoring credibility.
#We are experiencing increased lawlessness around the country because there is a vacuum in real leadership

The Shadow Minister for the Rule of Law & Democratic Institutions Mr Kerenga Kua reiterated his call to the Prime Minister to bring respective MPs, tribal leaders and former MPs together and return to Hela & Southern Highlands and begin proper dialogue with the people.
Mr Kua said, “Sending in police and army has become standard practice for this government. Rule through the barrel of the gun is unacceptable in a democracy.
“When has Mr O’Neill last visited Mendi and Tari since the outcome of the General Elections? You need to call provincial and tribal leaders together and spend at least a week in these two areas”
“You cannot sit in Waigani and use the media to blame others over what hasn’t happened in the last six years. Nor can you use the disciplinary forces to force the country to submit to your orders of cease fire. The Prime Minister needs to leave his office and be with the people on the ground.
“We are experiencing increased lawlessness around the country because there is a vacuum in real leadership. The people want ‘the people’s government’ that O’Neill promised when he seized power from a legitimate government in 2011.
“You have had all this time to improve institutions but from the start you have undermined every institution starting with the dismantling of your own creation the Task Force Sweep Team.
“You will wear this country and its people down because you have shown there are two sets of rules. One for you and your cohorts and one for the ordinary citizen.
“The fact that police are now being used to guard politicians and not deal with the ordinary law and order issues on the streets is insulting to all of us Papua New Guineans to see.
“Domestic violence and other violent crimes like burning of innocent women and girls will continue until real leadership is shown by rebuilding institutions and restoring credibility. Lip service on the issue by your proponents is not enough.
“If you cannot start by going to sit with your people in both Mendi and Tari and to sort out the issues, you will not be able to sit with ordinary Papua New Guineans elsewhere in the country.
“Taking pictures with world leaders does not alleviate existing
tensions that have been allowed to simmer for a long time, nor does it put food on the table.
“If you continue to try to run this country through remote control then you need to really consider stepping aside so a leader representative of its people can assume that role, said Mr Kua.

Hon Kerenga Kua MP